Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 64
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Tom’s mission is to build strong public schools, protect women’s rights and healthcare, promote economic development and quality jobs, and provide access to affordable healthcare.
Survey Issues
1.What do you feel should be the government’s role in public health and welfare?
First, when I say government, I believe “We the people” are the government. We created the necessary infrastructure to provide services to all members of our society. Second, it is difficult for me to separate the role of government from my personal role to be “my brother’s keeper.” Access to quality healthcare and human services should be part of society’s core value.
2. What are your views on individuals being able to safely and securely access sensitive medical procedures in privacy and without state control?
State has absolutely no right to control or monitor health care procedures.
3. What changes would you make to ensure every Oklahoman has the chance to participate meaningfully in the electoral process?
We should correct the damage and stop gerrymandering. I want the electoral college system abolished so that all citizens have their votes count.
4. Currently, only one political party in Oklahoma allows Independent voters to participate in primary elections. What will you do to ensure that all registered voters are able to fully express their political preferences?
As you are aware, the parties determine in the rules for who is eligible to vote in their primaries. In 2016 Oklahoma’s Democrats voted to allow Independents the option of voting in Democratic Part primaries. Until the Republican Super Majority in the Oklahoma legislature and Governorship does not control the system, change is unlikely.
5. Research from Pew Research Center indicates that “the role of money in politics” is consistently one of the top concerns of American voters across the ideological spectrum. What will you do to address this growing issue?
I will support making sure all departments in Oklahoma government agencies comply with the established bidding process. The practice of “no bid” contracts must stop now.
6. Many Oklahomans experience discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other factors; how would you address these problems as an elected leader?
Those of us who witnessed the history of overcoming discrimination must vocally protest the anti-equity movement in this country. Additionally, we must oppose legislation which removes protection for citizens experiencing discrimination. Proactively, the legislature should provide agency oversight to assure equality.
7. How will you ensure that First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, speech, protest, and press are protected from infringement?
This requires scrutiny of any legislation to assure attacks on the First Amendment are stopped in their tracks. The role of legislative oversight must be exercised to prevent deviant agency heads from abusing the First Amendment.
8. What issues do you see in our criminal legal system that could be reformed to be more equitable and efficient?
Fines and punishments should not be allowed to excessively burden people in the judicial system. We must work with our neighbors in our communities to assure legal justice is done and the processes are administered fairly and equitably.
9. What measures would you take to address food insecurity in Oklahoma?
Currently, privately operated non-profits fulfill this need. I should discuss and reconsider the availability of bulk food items for people facing food insecurity. School feeding programs can help us address the issue to some extent for school age children. Feeding centers are being shut down as Federal spending cuts impact their operation. The real difficulty is getting part of the electorate to understand access to food is not a privilege.
10. How would you protect people renting in Oklahoma from predatory landlords and expand affordable housing options in our state?
I need to study this issue further. I am hearing complaints from tenants and landlords describing inequities and excesses. In my district, the number of empty houses appears out-of-hand. I must work on the issue of affordable housing in a non-partisan way.