Candidate Details
OK House District: HD 48
Party Affiliation: Republican
(405) 557-7326
This candidate does not have a Democratic opponent and will therefore serve as the next Representative for this district.
Tammy is a conservative Republican who believes solutions to the state budget crisis first must be through audits and efficiencies in state government. Our core services should be funded first — schools, veterans’ services, roads and highways.
Tammy believes in life and liberty, considers herself unquestionably pro-life and for the right to bear arms.
“I work to find common ground to balance our budget and make our state fiscally sound,” she said.
Townley’s experience
Just as she has for years, Tammy promises to promote job growth in southern Oklahoma. Tammy managed the local Experience Works program to help provide jobs for senior citizens and volunteered 13 years on Southern Workforce Board, helping find solutions for community workforce needs.
About Townley
Tammy puts God first, family second and then everything else. Her father, the late Carl Pevehouse, was a decorated horseman and breeder of the Candy line of quarterhorses. Tammy looks to her mother, Rozella Pevehouse, as an example.
“She is a Godly woman and an amazing businesswoman. She taught me that I’m the daughter of the King, that I should square my shoulders, have a good firm handshake and be a woman of my word.”
Tammy is on the praise team at Graham Assembly of God where her husband, JR, pastors. They have three children and two granddaughters.
Tammy is a graduate of Oklahoma State University with a degree in marketing. She loves to travel, read and sing.
Platform Issues
Tammy is a conservative Republican who believes solutions to the state budget crisis first must be through audits and efficiencies in state government. Our core services should be funded first — schools, veterans’ services, roads and highways.