CAIR-OK 2020 Policy Platform

CAIR-OK 2020 Policy Platform

Each year, CAIR Oklahoma (CAIR-OK) develops policy priorities to advance key issues and promote civic engagement among Oklahoma Muslims. The priorities are informed by research, community interest, and CAIR-OK’s mission, and is approved by our Board of Directors. If...


There is a sign off the highway in North Oklahoma City. It is red and blue with “Islam” written in large white print on the red side, and the prophets listed in chronological order on the blue side. Along the bottom, a resource number and website to learn more. I...
Muslim Day at the Capitol 2020

Muslim Day at the Capitol 2020

Our 6th Annual Muslim Day at the Capitol is on March 2nd, 2020! Join your fellow Oklahoman Muslims for a day of advocacy, meeting with legislators and much more! Click Here to Register Now – Participants will receive breakfast and lunch, as well as a 2020 Muslim...