In an era marked by escalating tensions and misunderstandings, the Council on American-Islamic Relations Oklahoma Chapter (CAIR Oklahoma) is taking a bold step toward fostering unity and empathy. Their upcoming documentary film delves into the narratives of two...
Join us for our monthly MYPN Event: Activism on College Campuses REGISTER ONLINE HERE We will be joined by Professor Lawrence Ware from Oklahoma State University, Veronica Laizure from CAIR Oklahoma and Tasneem Al-Michael from Oklahomans Against Occupation! Lawrence...
For Dr. Ryan M. Armstrong, Oklahoma State University religious studies visiting professor, venturing outside the classroom and into sacred buildings provides vital firsthand experience for his world religion studies students. “One thing is seeing the people giving...
Join us for our monthly MYPN Event: Grace in the Workplace We will be joined by Derrick Siers – founder of Reverb Mentoring. Over the last 20+ years, Derrick’s passion for social and group dynamics has reached every area of his life, but shines brightest when it...
Join us for our monthly MYPN Event: Insights in Entrepreneurism. Our guest speakers will be Cara Evans, Director of Axis, and Jabee, a musical artist and entrepreneur. Cara Jane Evans is the director of the certified business incubator, AXIS FT, at Francis Tuttle...