Legislative Session Week 5

Legislative Session Week 5

With only four days left for bills to get out of their house of origin, things are getting busier every week! For more information on the bills we’re watching, keep an eye on our Bill Tracker, which is updated weekly. Senate Floor: Senate Bill (SB) 1854 by...
Legislative Session Week 4

Legislative Session Week 4

The first deadline ended with a flurry of last-minute attempts for bills to get heard in committee or become dormant, inactive for the remainder of the session. Before diving into some of the key committee hearings, we would like to note some crucial bills that have...
Legislative Session Week 3

Legislative Session Week 3

Week 3 at the Oklahoma Legislature! The rush of deadlines surely played out this week with several committees hearing dozens of bills, and others passing on hearing many more.   House Side:   House A&B Subcommittee Finance A variety of bills moved...
Legislative Session 2024: Week 1 & 2

Legislative Session 2024: Week 1 & 2

With the State of the State address already seeming as though it was a month ago, many advocates feel that this is the bumpiest start to an Oklahoma Legislative Session. Resolutions have already been pushed through, with only hours’ notice and many bills are...
2024 Policy Platforms

2024 Policy Platforms

Each year the Government Affairs Department looks at bills filed past and present to see what our legislature might focus on for the upcoming legislative session and how this will impact our community. In addition, we look at our state as a whole and its status as it...