Our Zakat Eligibility

Zakat Eligible

Scholars, including Sheikh Ahmad Kutty and Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, agree that CAIR’s work is eligible for zakat, as it collectively advances services to the community, fi Sabilillah. However, some scholars hold a more restrictive view of what qualifies for zakat. To respect this range of religious opinions, CAIR Oklahoma follows strict guidelines to allocate zakat funds appropriately.

Donors may designate their zakat contributions to specific work areas, such as Civic Engagement, Legal Services, or Youth Empowerment. If no particular designation is made, CAIR Oklahoma will allocate zakat funds to programs and services that directly protect the rights of Muslims. These funds will be allocated as follows:

Legal Department (Civil Rights & Immigration) and Policy, Advocacy, Government Relations Work:

  • Zakat funds will cover all expenses related to these departments, including program costs, communications, salaries, benefits, and management.


  • Legal services directly support the community, particularly those who cannot afford it otherwise.
  • Policy, Advocacy, and Government Relations work to contribute to the creation of laws protecting Muslims’ rights to freely practice their religion in America.

Zakat funds will not be allocated toward:

  • Fundraising expenses (e.g., banquets, direct mail, etc.).
  • Administrative expenses (e.g., office rent, utilities, etc.).

All zakat funds received between January 1st and December 31st will be spent within one year of receipt or a reasonable period of time.