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Legislative Session Week 10

Legislative Session Week 10

House Side Senate Joint Resolution (SJR 34) by Sen. Julie Daniels (SD 29, Bartlesville) and Rep. Mark Lepak (SD 9, Claremore) sought to propose a state question to create a constitutional amendment...

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Legislative Session Week 9

Legislative Session Week 9

Last week was the final push for bills to be heard in committees of the opposite chamber before continuing in the process to become law. This often includes much political maneuvering to accomplish...

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Legislative Session Week 8

Legislative Session Week 8

With many last-minute agendas, and only four days left to go, committee hearings are likely to be packed with the next deadline upcoming. House Side Last week, one of our key bills we oppose was...

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Legislative Session Week 7

Legislative Session Week 7

Although the Oklahoma Legislature took their Spring Break from March 18-March 22, last week was back to business, and back to committee hearings in the opposite chamber. House Bills An important...

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Our mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.